2024-09-01A web component to display weiqi.
2024-02-25A music video made over the course of a recharge week end.
2024-01-27ndbom collects the sources of a given nix installable.
2024-01-16A gnome-shell extension to display your next schedule.
2023-12-10Generate keyboard config and diagrams with lean.
2023-12-01Functional Programing with lean.
2023-11-24A new feature for Achordion.
2023-09-02Language Server Protocol features.
2023-07-03A simple digital signal processor.
2023-06-29Pure op1 tracks made on the move, mixed with reaper.
2023-05-26A learning plan for blender.
2023-03-16A Nix Flake to build cabal-install with the multi-repl PR.
2023-02-09I contributed 7 games to the 2023 February Haskell Tiny Game Jam.
2023-01-23Pure decoder for the Extensible Binary Meta Language (EBML) format.
2022-11-19A graphic application to produce visualisation and explore fractal.
2022-11-12This project implements the vkguide using the Haskell engine keid.
2022-09-28Adaptation of the retry library for the effectful ecosystem.
2022-08-27XStatic family of packages for haskell.
2022-08-26This library provides a virtual operating system to run Haskell programs.
2022-08-15A StructuredConcurrency effect for the effectful ecosystem.
2022-08-07A bleeding edge nix package set for haskell.
2022-05-28A proof concept Ansible interpreter that leverages the Haxl library to evaluate the playbook tasks concurrently.
2022-05-05Watch an html file and hot reload with SSE.
2022-04-22A (failed) GHC extension proposal.
2022-04-07A web service to inspect zuul configuration objects.
2022-03-30Digital Audio Workstation powered by nix flakes.
2022-02-01An album I produced with hardware synthesizer.
2022-01-10A visualization of the zuul development history made with gource.
2021-11-28Derivations for the retroclash toolchain.
2021-11-05Use this library to query and decode zuul-web API.
2021-11-03A game simulator/ai for the Maps of Mnemos game.
2021-10-17A couple of videos to demonstrate the fir library.
2021-09-29A Language Server implementation for the swarm game.
2021-06-12The changemetrics.io hakyll website.
2021-06-05This library allows you to rapidly integrate matrix events in your Haskell application.
2021-05-28A matrix bot to forward gerrit events.
2021-05-23A gnome extension to monitor resources through cgroups.
2021-05-19A query language for the monocle service.
2021-05-18A gnome extension to enable Mumble push to talk.
2021-05-10A gnome extension to help you chill by setting up breath time.
2021-04-08Initial prototype for monocle workers.
2021-04-05A library to use the GJS with purescript.
2021-03-21Haskell bindings for ImGuiFileDialog.
2021-03-10A tool to publish Grafana dashboards defined with Dhall.
2021-02-26Linux capabilities Haskell data type.
2021-02-21A library to adapt pulseaudio with the pipes library.
2021-02-13Nix package for zuul.
2021-01-16A small programing language based on the lambda calculus.
2020-11-24A plugin to render Zuul result comments in Gerrit UI.
2020-11-17This library parses Ansi code and render HTML element.
2020-11--08This project adapts the gnugo AI to run in web browsers.
2020-10-26Provide the best in class developer experience for programing-languages enthusiast.
2020-07-17A client library for zuul.
2020-07-15A client library for gerrit.
2020-07-06A web application to learn the game of weiqi.
2020-05-24A fractal visualization demo.
2020-05-15I made significant contribution to the change-metrics/monocle project.
2020-01-06I wrote multiple dhall bindings for Ansible, OpenShift, and more.
2019-11-28My solutions to the advent-of-code puzzles.
2019-09-24A 3D rendering of the zuul logo.
2019-07-27This project provides a declarative interface to manage containers' environment.
2019-06-14This project is a minimal kubernetes service to start pod for zuul.
2019-03-23A toy compiler to generate glsl from hy expression.
2019-01-03A peer reviewing project for the Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP) assigments.
2017-06-26This project extracts anomaly from log files.
2017-05-28This contribution added additional resources provider such as Amazon EC2 or OpenShift for zuul.
2016-05-28A collection of code to create visualisation.
2014-07-20A tiny http server in 145 byte.
2014-01-17Member of the OpenStack Vulnerability Management Team until 2020-05-06.
2012-06-02A collection of music and video animation.
2010-07-05A kernel module written in C to control access based on time, such as working or holiday time.