Smooth Midi Modulation


This post was initially published on the day2 of the advent of shader 2024:

Hello everbody, my name is Tristan de Cacqueray, and in this post I will explain how I made the one piano phase demo.

You can learn more about my previous work with the animation-fractal project. Below, I will set out the workflow I used to create this demo.

Finding Modulation Targets

My first task was finding good modulation targets. I am not good at writing shaders from scratch due to my limited knowledge of the tricks required to create pleasing visuals. Therefore, I searched for reusable shaders on Shadertoy that could be modified to accommodate more inputs.

I needed a set of variables that could be independently adjusted. I typically look for instances where iTime and interesting constants are used. If the shader uses domain repetitions, a uniform array can be used to create variations per instance ID.

For one piano phase, I used the Truchet + Kaleidoscope FTW by @mrange. This shader is very flexible as it features repeated planes with many unique variables. I tweaked the implementation to split the plane into an inner and outer ring, creating more variations. Here are the new uniforms I added:

uniform float rotations[4];
uniform float modulations[6];

… which are assigned in the plane function like that:

  float prot1, prot2;
  float pmod1, pmod2;
  float cmod;
  if (mod(n, 2.) == 0.) {
    prot1 =  rotations[0], pmod1 = modulations[0],
    prot2 = -rotations[1], pmod2 = modulations[1],
    cmod = modulations[2];
  } else {
    prot1 = -rotations[2], pmod1 = modulations[3],
    prot2 =  rotations[3], pmod2 = modulations[4],
    cmod = modulations[5];

I also added two global uniforms:

uniform float icolor;
uniform float moveFWD;

… which are used in the color function like that:

- #define TIME            iTime
+ #define TIME            moveFWD

-   vec3 bcol = palette(abs(d));
+   vec3 bcol = palette(abs(d) + icolor);

Once I’m done with the edits, I make a shadertoy version using fake values that way:

// Simulate the pitch inputs using a smoothed stairs function STEP
#define STEP1(x) ((x) - sin(x))
#define STEP(x, offset, amp) (STEP1(STEP1(offset + x * amp)) * .15)
#define is (iTime)

void genInputs() {
  rotations[0] = STEP(is, 1., 1.);
  rotations[1] = STEP(is, 2., 2.);
  rotations[2] = STEP(is, 3., 3.);

void mainImage() {

Here is how the step function looks like in graphtoy: graphtoy-sim

You can find a list of shaders I’ve edited to support multiple modulations parameters here.

Assigning Modulation Sources

My next task was to assign modulation sources. Previously, I have worked with audio stems and computed the RMS volume per frame. I even implemented a custom filter to extract additional values from a single audio signal using this IIR.hs module. However, I find it more straightforward to work with MIDI events. Thanks to strudel, I can now embed the video with the audio.

For one piano phase, I used NoteOn events to modulate the uniforms like this:

  • The kick drum modulates a different rotation each time.
  • The hi-hat increases the icolor.
  • The clap increases the moveFWD.
  • The piano pitches are assigned to individual modulations.

Other assignment techniques can be used, such as following a CC curve or summing multiple inputs for a single destination. However, this depends on the source material, and it can be tricky to make the video match the audio.

Smoothing The Modulations

It is important to smooth the input signals to avoid abrupt changes which can cause unpleasant stroboscopic effects.

Here is a basic formula to limit the rate of change:

const smooth = (speed) => (desired) => (value, elapsed) =>
  value + ((desired - value) / Math.max(1, speed * 60 * elapsed));

The speed can be set to taste, for example, between 5 and 42. The desired value is provided by the input signal. Then, the render loop sets the current value and elapsed time for every frame. This function looks like this:


Here is a more advanced formula, based on the second-order dynamics presented in this video Giving Personality to Procedural Animations using Math:

const so = ({ f, z, r }) => {
  // constants
  const k1 = z / (pi * f);
  const k2 = 1 / ((2 * pi * f) * (2 * pi * f));
  const k3 = r * z / (2 * pi * f);

  // initial state
  let xp = 0;
  let y = 0;
  let yd = 0;

  return (desired) => {
    let x = desired;
    return (_, elapsed) => {
      let t = elapsed;

      // estimate velocity
      let xd = (x - xp) / t;
      xp = x;

      // clamp k2 to guarantee stability
      let k2_stable = Math.max(k2, t * t / 2 + t * k1 / 2, t * k1);

      // integrate velocity by acceleration
      yd = yd + t * (x + k3 * xd - y - k1 * yd) / k2_stable;

      // integrate position by velocity
      y = y + t * yd;

      return y;

f defines the rate of change, z the damping coefficient and r the initial response of the system. Here is how that looks:


In most situations, it is better to only follow increments to avoid a back-and-forth effect, which looks like this:


Here is an example demo where you can see both techniques in use: Midi Island - Opening Theme

Food For Thought

In this post, I showed how to animate shader inputs with MIDI events. As a hobbyist, I implemented this workflow multiple times over the years, as I couldn’t find an existing solution. Please let me know if I missed anything or if I am on the right track.

I made a pull request to add a shader module to Strudel in order to share my demo through the upstream server. I would appreciate your feedback on this new feature.

I wonder if Shadertoy could support MIDI inputs, and if the smoothing functions can be implemented with shader code, perhaps by using a buffer to keep track of the previous value?

Finally, it would be great to synchronize the modulation with the MIDI clock…

Anyway, that’s it for today. Have a good advent of shader!