Adding OAuth middleware to Servant application


This post was initially published on

With monocle 412 we are adding OAuth support to our new servant application. The goal is to enable user authentication so that the interface can be personalized, for example by adding support for the self value in search queries.

The challenge is to perform the OAuth handshake to resolve the user identity.


Here is the sequence diagram:

OAuth configuration

Currently there is no native solution for OAuth in servant, so we are going to use the wai-middleware-auth. Its configuration looks like this:

-- | 'authSettings' returns the @wai-middleware-auth@ configuration
authSettings :: Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Auth.AuthSettings
authSettings publicUrl oauthName oauthId oauthSecret =
  Auth.setAuthAppRootStatic publicUrl
    . Auth.setAuthPrefix "auth"
    . Auth.setAuthProviders providers
    . Auth.setAuthSessionAge (3600 * 24 * 7)
    $ Auth.defaultAuthSettings
    emailAllowList = [".*"]
    ghProvider =
      Auth.Provider $
        Auth.mkGithubProvider oauthName oauthId oauthSecret emailAllowList Nothing
    providers = HM.fromList [("github", ghProvider)]

Dispatching the requests

In monocle, we want to support both annonymous and authenticated users, and the wai-middleware-auth enforces authentication for every request. So we create an extra middleware to dispatch the authentication only when necessary:

-- | Apply the @wai-middleware-auth@ only on the paths starting with a /a/
-- >>> type Application = Request -> (Response -> IO ResponseReceived) -> IO ResponseReceived
-- >>> type Middleware = Application -> Application
enforceLoginPath :: Wai.Middleware -> Wai.Middleware
enforceLoginPath authMiddleware monocleApp = app'
    app' request
      | matchAuth (Wai.rawPathInfo request) = (authMiddleware monocleApp) request
      | otherwise = monocleApp request
    matchAuth path
      | "/a/" `BS.isPrefixOf` path || "/auth" `BS.isPrefixOf` path = True
      | otherwise = False

Creating the middleware

We only enable the middleware when there is an OAuth application environment:

-- | Create the middleware with the custom login path dispatch
createAuthMiddleware :: IO Wai.Middleware
createAuthMiddleware = do
  envs <- traverse lookupEnv ["PUBLIC_URL", "OAUTH_NAME", "OAUTH_ID", "OAUTH_SECRET"]
  case toText <$> catMaybes envs of
    [publicUrl, oauthName, oauthId, oauthSecret] ->
        <$> Auth.mkAuthMiddleware (authSettings publicUrl oauthName oauthId oauthSecret)
    _ -> pure id

Updating the route

Finaly we add the Vault to the authenticated route to access the user information:

type MonocleAPI =
  "a" :> "whoami" :> Vault :> ReqBody '[JSON] WhoAmIRequest :> Post '[PBJSON, JSON] WhoAmIResponse
    :<|> "search" :> "fields" :> ReqBody '[JSON] FieldsRequest :> Post '[PBJSON, JSON] FieldsResponse
    :<|> "search" :> "query" :> ReqBody '[JSON] QueryRequest :> Post '[PBJSON, JSON] QueryResponse
    :<|> "a" :> "search" :> "query" :> Vault :> ReqBody '[JSON] QueryRequest :> Post '[PBJSON, JSON] QueryResponse

server :: ServerT MonocleAPI AppM
server =
    :<|> searchFields
    :<|> searchQuery
    :<|> searchQueryAuth

And here is an example usage for the whoami endpoint:

authWhoAmI :: Vault -> AuthPB.WhoAmIRequest -> AppM AuthPB.WhoAmIResponse
authWhoAmI vault = const $ pure response
    response :: AuthPB.WhoAmIResponse
    response = AuthPB.WhoAmIResponse $ toLazy $ show user
    user = fromMaybe (error "Authentication is missing") (Auth.getAuthUserFromVault vault)

We contributed a new function to enable using wai-middleware-auth with servant: wai-middleware-auth 25.
