Completing the first release of logreduce-rust


This post was initially published on the Software Factory blog:

I am happy to announce that the logreduce-rust project now implements a minimum viable product. It can be used to compare two remote directories like this: logreduce diff build-log-url1 build-log-url2. This article introduces the latest features.

In this post I will write about:

  • My choices regarding user input processing.
  • Data type models using static dispatch.
  • Threadpool based concurrency.
  • What my thoughts are on Rust in retrospect.

This article is part of a blog post series about the latest logreduce improvements using the Rust programing language. Please see the series' earlier articles:

Implementing the model processor

The model processor is the main part that was missing from the new code base. The goal is to provide a flexible API that combines the log line iterator, the tokenizer, and the nearest neighbors model. The API requirements are:

  • The processing needs to work in chunk to leverage efficient vectorized operations.
  • The context lines surrounding an anomaly need to be collected so that the output can be analyzed offline, without access to the content.
  • Duplicated lines should be removed.

Addressing these requirements involves a complex algorithm with a few edge cases, for example, to keep track of the lines preceeding an anomaly. Using the beloved Iterator interface I was able to implement a simple abstraction. The resulting API can be used by simply providing an Index and a Read value:

pub struct ChunkProcessor<'index, R: Read> {
    reader: logreduce_iterator::BytesLines<R>,
    index: &'index ChunkIndex,
    // The raw log line with their global position
    buffer: Vec<(logreduce_iterator::LogLine, usize)>,

impl<'index, R: Read> Iterator for ChunkProcessor<'index, R> {
   type Item = Result<AnomalyContext>;

You can check the full implementation in the module.

Using static dispatch for the data model

With all the core modules in place, I needed to define a data model to implement the frontend logic. Logreduce can work with a variety of content, which can be accessed through different source types:

  • Local path.
  • Remote url.
  • Journald socket.

I initially created a ContentSource trait to define how to get the sources of a given Content:

trait ContentSource {
  fn get_sources(&self) -> Vec<Source>;

impl ContentSource for File {
 fn get_sources(&self) -> Vec<Source> {
   if self.path().ends_with('/') {
      // read dir
   } else {
      // a single file

impl ContentSource for Build {
 fn get_sources(&self) -> Vec<Source> {
   // list remote sources

However this adds a bit of complexity to the report implementation. For example, the state contains the list of baselines sources:

struct Report {
  baselines: Vec<dyn ContentSource>,

… but this does not work because of this error:

error[E0277]: the size for values of type `(dyn ContentSource + 'static)` cannot be known at compilation time
   --> model/src/
25  |     baselines: Vec<dyn ContentSource>,
    |                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ doesn't have a size known at compile-time
    = help: the trait `Sized` is not implemented for `(dyn ContentSource + 'static)`
note: required by a bound in `Vec`

This makes sense because any type can implement ContentSource, and the compiler needs to know how much memory they need. Thus we can use a Box to fix that, which is how most languages solve this problem:

struct Report {
    baselines: Vec<Box<dyn ContentSource>>,

Alternatively, we can use a technique called static dispatch with an enum's pattern match:

enum Content {

impl Content {
  fn get_sources(&self) -> Vec<Source> {
    match self {
      File(fp) => files::get_sources(fp),
      CI(build) => ci::get_sources(build),

struct Report {
  baselines: Vec<Content>

The content data type is currently defined using static dispatch, which is simpler for the project. However this means that new types can't be added dynamically.

I documented the complete model in an Architectural Decision Record you can find here: You can check the implementation in the module.

Crawling logs in parallel using a threadpool

Another interesting feature of logreduce is that it can seamlessly process remote directories. The goal is to be able to handle a build log url, served as Index Of pages, as if it was a local directory. Thus, I looked into collecting the log files concurrently so that the tree could be traversed quickly.

I initially created an AsyncIterator using the library. To limit the amount of workers, I used the FuturesUnordered structure as explained in this max number of active futures at a time discussion. That seemed to work great, but implementing the handle response part was a bit complicated. Some footguns need to be avoided according to this issue. To learn more about async Rust, check its working group wg-async page.

From my understanding, Tokio is great for long running tasks like building a server. But for short tasks, such as crawling an http directory, I find it easier to use a threadpool with mpsc, a Multi Producer, Single Consumer FIFO queue. Thus, here is the main function of the logreduce's httpdir library:

fn process(
    visitor: &Visitor,
    client: &Client,
    pool: &ThreadPool,
    tx: &Sender<Message>,
    url: Url,
) {
    if let Some(visitor) = visitor.visit(&url) {
        // Increase reference counts.
        let tx = tx.clone();
        let sub_pool = pool.clone();
        let client = client.clone();

        // Submit the work.
        pool.execute(move || match http_list(&client, url) {
            // We decoded some urls.
            Ok(urls) => {
                for url in urls {
                    if url.path().ends_with('/') {
                        // Recursively call the handler on sub directory.
                        Crawler::process(&visitor, &client, &sub_pool, &tx, url)
                    } else {
                        // Send file location to the mpsc channel.
                // Indicate we are done.

            // An error happened, propagates it.
            Err(e) => tx.send(Some(Err(e))).unwrap(),

You can check the complete implementation in the module.

Completing my first project in Rust

Logreduce is the first project that I wrote using Rust. Here are my initial impressions of the language.


  • Reliable: When working on the model processor, I went through multiple iterations, and the code worked after it compiled everytime.
  • Network effect: The language attracts many talented developers. For example, the regex and hyper crates look amazing.
  • Stellar toolchain: Everything looks tightly integrated and snappy. I particularly enjoy the workspace feature to structure the code base in multiple libraries with their own dependencies.


  • Lifetimes are notoriously difficult to understand and I avoided them as much as possible to keep the code simple.
  • Macros are appealing but they can be rather cryptic and hard to debug.
  • Sometimes the type inference does not work and it needs extra annotations. For example, to convert a list of result to a result list we can use the turbofish syntax: collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>(). In Haskell, this is implemented with the traverse :: (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b) function, which I find less complicated.

I am mainly interested in Rust's expressive static types. They generally work the same as in Haskell and OCaml, or any other language featuring Algebraic Data Types. Such types let me fearlessly perform heart surgery on complex code. As explained in the Why Functional Programming Doesn't Matter talk, expressive static types give us the dexterity to extend our system in a fairly safe way. In particular, by making illegal states unrepresentable, we don't have to worry about many kinds of errors. The type system statically verifies a significant part of our program, enabling us to move fast by focusing on the most important part.


Coming from Haskell, the main challenge of using Rust is to be more careful about the values and their memory. And after going through the initial bumps, I must say it's getting a little easier and I now mostly understand what the compiler wants.

The Rust implementation of logreduce is now almost feature complete with the legacy Python code, and I'm looking forward adding the last remaining parts:

  • Discovery of baselines for CI build.
  • Supporting systemd-journal sources.
  • Handling tarball transparently.

I always welcome feedback, if you would like to contribute, please join the chat room.

Thank you for reading!

#blog #rust #logreduce