Broadcasting a WebM stream using MSE


This post demonstrates a motivating use-case for my new ebml library: an audio broadcasting server for WebSocket clients. In three parts, I present:

  • The key features of this use-case.
  • The characteristics of a WebM stream.
  • A client/server demo implementation as shown in the diagram below.
graph LR
  subgraph Broadcast Station
    MIC[MC] -->|PCM| ADC
    SND[VLC] -->|PCM| ADC
   ADC[gstreamer encoder] -->|WebM| SRV(Haskell Server):::impl
  subgraph Listeners
    SRV -->|WebSocket| U1(JS MediaSource):::impl -->|PCM| O1(Web Player)
    SRV -->|WebSocket| U2(JS MediaSource):::impl -->|PCM| O2(Web Player)
    SRV -->|WebSocket| U3(JS MediaSource):::impl -->|PCM| O3(Web Player)
  classDef impl fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px

The demo’s architecture diagram where the code presented implements the pink components.

This document is a literate haskell file. You can run the demo with: nix develop .#gstreamer –command ghcid –command “ghci -XGHC2021 -pgmL markdown-unlit -optL haskell -optL javascript” –test=:main broadcasting-webm.lhs

Key Features

This section introduces the demo’s context and key features.

After struggling with native libraries, such as SDL and Vulkan, for my animation-fractal project, I wanted to try the Web API to implement multi-media applications. Modern web browsers implement a sizable set of features for such applications, and it looked like a great platform to work with.


I set the following goals for myself:

Therefore, the key features of this demo are:

  • The server controls the state and the clients act like dumb terminals.
  • The application is self-contained and it can be served using a standard HTTP ingress.

As a first step, I used WebSocket connections to handle dynamic interactions. While this approach has acceptable performance, I am also looking forward to using the WebTransport API, a new API to replace WebSocket with HTTP/3 transport. I believe this is going to be a great match for such embedded system.


Concretely, this demo can be used for:

  • Adding audio to the NoVNC client, a JavaScript library to render a remote desktop within a modern browser.
  • Implementing a voice chat system.

You can find alternative solutions presented on this MDN page, most notably:

  • WebRTC: the main standard which relies on the SCTP protocol.
  • RTSP: the Real Time Streaming Protocol.
  • DASH.js, HLS and IceCast: custom media formats that can be served over HTTP.
  • Media Source Extensions (MSE): a JavaScript functionality to generate media streams for playback.

I decided to use MSE because it looked like the most straight forward API to use with WebSockets. The next section describes the rationals for using the WebM format.

WebM Stream

Before diving into the characteristics of a WebM stream, let’s see why using such format is necessary.

Playing live audio

There are two options to play audio from JavaScript:

  • Web Audio API: a powerful API for controlling audio. It enables creating custom audio processing graph, for example to synthesize sound or play raw data.
  • Media Source API: previously known as MSE, this API leverages the existing <audio> and <video> media element.

I initially used the first option with the pcm-player library. This worked out of the box without any issues. However this technique has a major drawback: it consumes a lot of bandwidth. For a stereo stream sampled at 44.1 kHZ, serving five clients requires: \(5 * 2 * 44100 / 1024^2 = 0.42 MiB/sec\).

To reduce the footprint, the audio data must be compressed using a codec like vorbis, or opus. Such codecs are designed to be contained inside a container format such as ogg or WebM. While it is possible to a use a custom decoder before the pcm-player, it is quite a bit of work for the Web Audio API. At that point, it may be easier to use the native Media Source API, which already expects a container format.

I decided to use a container format for the MSE to reduce the footprint.

Container formats supported by MSE

In an early experiment, I used the ogg container because it is a simpler format that the browser MediaRecorder can produce natively. It looked promising because the resulting buffers were valid frames starting with the correct OggS header. Unfortunately, I learned the hard way that MSE can’t playback this format.

According to the Byte Stream Format Registry, MSE supports:

flowchart TB
    subgraph MPEG
    subgraph MPEG-2
    subgraph MP4[ISO BMFF]
    subgraph WebM

I decided to use WebM because it is the most recent format and, as the name suggests, it is optimized for the web.

WebM format

WebM is based on the Matroska container, which implements the Extensible Binary Meta Language (EBML). The layout is surprisingly simple, each element are defined as:

    | Element ID    | Element Size  | Element Data ...              |

The element ID and size are using a variable length encoding, similar to UTF-8. Then the specification provides a schema that defines how to interpret the data based on the element ID. In the case of a WebM stream, some elements’ size are unknown, and a look-ahead decoder must be used. Thanks to the binary library, this was relatively easy to implement.

The main challenge is to properly align the data when serving a new client. The WebM Byte Stream Format describes the following layout expected by MSE clients:

  • Initialization segments contains the EBML header, and the beginning of the first segment.
  • A media segment must start with a cluster element. It contains the codec data such as the opus frames.

Therefore, a new client must be provided with the stream initialization segments along with the beginning of the most recent media segment. And this is precisely the goal of the StreamReader of my ebml library. The next section presents how that works in practice.


This section introduces a standalone application that broadcasts a local audio stream to web clients through WebSockets.

Extension and packages

I wrote this program for GHC2021, here are the necessary extra extensions:

-- small syntactic change
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments, OverloadedStrings, OverloadedRecordDot #-}
-- DataKinds is required by Servant API definition
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-- QuasiQuote is required for multi-line string with [s| ... |]
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}

I used the following build dependencies from Hackage:

-- rio, text and bytestring, to extend the default Prelude
import RIO
import RIO.Process qualified as RIO
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS

-- string-qq to embed the multiline javascript client
import Data.String.QQ (s)

-- servant and websocket to serve the http api
import Servant qualified
import Servant ((:-), (:>), Get, OctetStream, Context(EmptyContext), NamedRoutes)
import Servant.HTML.Lucid (HTML)
import Servant.API.WebSocket (WebSocket)
import Network.WebSockets qualified as WS
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp qualified as Warp
import Network.Wai qualified as Wai

-- lucid to write html
import Lucid qualified

-- ebml, the new library to decode WebM stream
import Codec.EBML qualified as EBML

Broadcast server

The server is defined as a broadcast channel of (raw data, frame):

newtype BroadcastServer = BroadcastServer (TChan (ByteString, Maybe EBML.StreamFrame))

newBroadcastServer :: IO BroadcastServer
newBroadcastServer = BroadcastServer <$> newBroadcastTChanIO

broadcast :: BroadcastServer -> (ByteString, Maybe EBML.StreamFrame) -> IO ()
broadcast (BroadcastServer chan) buf = atomically $ writeTChan chan buf

Using gstreamer to record and encode the local audio, here is the thread that decodes the WebM stream:

audioStreamer :: BroadcastServer -> IO ()
audioStreamer srv = RIO.withProcessWait_ cmdProc (readProcess EBML.newStreamReader)
    cmdProc = RIO.setStderr RIO.createPipe cmd
    cmd = "gst-launch-1.0 pulsesrc ! audioconvert ! opusenc ! webmmux ! fdsink fd=2"

    readProcess sr process = do
        buf <- BS.hGet (RIO.getStderr process) 512
        case EBML.feedReader buf sr of
            Left err -> error ("Stream failed: " <> show err)
            Right (mFrame, newSR) -> do
                broadcast srv (buf, mFrame)
                readProcess newSR process

Broadcast client

A client is defined as a broadcast channel reader:

newtype BroadcastClient = BroadcastClient (TChan (ByteString, Maybe EBML.StreamFrame))

newBroadcastClient :: BroadcastServer -> IO BroadcastClient
newBroadcastClient (BroadcastServer srv) = BroadcastClient <$> atomically (dupTChan srv)

recv :: BroadcastClient -> IO (ByteString, Maybe EBML.StreamFrame)
recv (BroadcastClient client) = atomically $ readTChan client

Here is the thread that serves a WebSocket client, waiting for a new media segment to be received before forwarding the raw stream:

audioClient :: BroadcastClient -> WS.Connection -> IO ()
audioClient srv client = sendHeader >> sendStream
    sendHeader = do
        (_, mFrame) <- recv srv
        case mFrame of
            Just frame -> sendBuffer (frame.initialization <>
            Nothing -> sendHeader

    sendStream = forever do
        (buf, _) <- recv srv
        sendBuffer buf

    sendBuffer = WS.sendBinaryData client

The audioStreamer and audioClient functions are the core of this demo.

Servant API

The API data defines three routes:

  • index to serve the html body.
  • fav to serve a favicon and avoid the spurious 404 error.
  • ws to handle the WebSocket client.
data API mode = API
    { index :: mode :- Get '[HTML] (Lucid.Html ())
    , fav   :: mode :- "favicon.ico" :> Get '[OctetStream] ByteString
    , ws    :: mode :- "ws" :> WebSocket
    deriving (Generic)

Here is the complete API implementation:

app :: BroadcastServer -> Wai.Application
app srv = Servant.serveWithContext (Proxy @(NamedRoutes API)) EmptyContext API
    { index = pure $ Lucid.doctypehtml_ do
        Lucid.head_ do
            Lucid.title_ "Broadcasing WebM demo"
        Lucid.body_ do
            Lucid.with Lucid.ul_ [Lucid.id_ "log"] mempty
            Lucid.script_ jsScript
    , fav = pure ""
    , ws = \client -> liftIO $ WS.withPingThread client 30 (pure ()) do
        broadcastClient <- newBroadcastClient srv
        audioClient broadcastClient client

Finally, the main entry-point creates the broadcast channel, and starts both the audio streamer and the HTTP api servant threads:

main :: IO ()
main = do
    srv <- newBroadcastServer
    race_ (audioStreamer srv) do
        putStrLn "Serving to http://localhost:8000" 8000 (app srv)

JavaScript client

The welcome page contains the following script to handle the stream connection and to feed the media source buffer. This is a minimal, standalone implementation embedded in the server code.

Here is the transport implementation with a simple buffering logic:

// Create the websocket:
const connect = () => {
  const skt = new WebSocket("ws://" + + "/ws")
  skt.binaryType = "arraybuffer"
  skt.onmessage = event => feedMSE(new Uint8Array(
  skt.onopen = log("ws open")
  skt.onerror = log("ws error")
  skt.onclose = reconnect("ws closed")
const reconnect = msg => ev => {
  setTimeout(connect, 1e3)

// Implement the buffering logic:
const buffer = { chunks: [], dst: null }
const feedMSE = arr => {
  if (buffer.dst && !buffer.dst.updating) {
const appendChunks = () => {
  if (buffer.chunks.length > 0) {
    buffer.chunks = []

Here is how to create the audio player and setup MSE:

// Create the audio element:
const listen = () => {
  const audio = document.createElement("audio")
  audio.autoplay = true
  audio.onerror = log("audio error")
  audio.onplay = connect

  // Create the media source.
  const mediaSource = new MediaSource()
  mediaSource.onsourceopen = () => {
    // Create the source buffer.
    buffer.dst = mediaSource.addSourceBuffer("audio/webm; codecs=opus")
    buffer.dst.mode = "sequence"
    buffer.dst.onerror = log("source buffer error")
    log("Media source created")(buffer.dst)

    // If the buffer ends, flush any cached chunks.
    buffer.dst.onupdateend = appendChunks

    // Try to start playing the audio."autoplay"), askAutoPlay(audio))

  // Attach the media source to the audio.
  audio.src = URL.createObjectURL(mediaSource)

And here are some helper functions:

// Log message to the body.
const log = msg => obj => {
  const item = document.createElement('li')
  const txt = msg + ": " + + " " + JSON.stringify(obj)
  console.log(msg, obj)

// Merge a list of array.
const concatBuffers = xs => {
  if (xs.length == 1) {
    return xs[0]
  log("Merging", xs.length)
  const size = xs.reduce((acc, x) => acc + x.length, 0)
  const res = new Uint8Array(size)
  let pos = 0
  xs.forEach(x => {
    res.set(x, pos)
    pos += x.length
  return res

// Workaround for
const askAutoPlay = audio => () => {
  alert(`AutoPlay is not available, please click anywhere to start listening. Setup auto-play with:
    - Press Ctrl-I
    - Click on the Permissions tab
    - Unmark the Audoplay 'Use Default' checkbox
    - Select the 'Allow Audio' toggle
  document.onclick = () =>


Once the service is running, you can use the qpwgraph tool to configure the I/O, for example using such graph:



It wasn’t obvious that this implementation would work in practice. I had to study the EBML format and use trial and error as a means of understanding MSE. In the end, I am happy with the results, Haskell once again proved its efficiency: the service runs steadily and its overhead is barely noticeable.

The Web API offers a fully featured application environment, and using the different APIs is a great learning opportunity. I am looking forward the new JavaScript and Web-Assembly backend that are coming with GHC 9.6 to better leverage this environment.


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